Top-level attributes in database{ }


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There are two top-level attributes in database{ }, namely default and mandatory. These attributes allow the user to specify the location of the default database containing material parameters.


By default, the program will read in the database which is specified under the installpath (installpath/Syntax/
Example: .. \nextnano\2022_08_05\nextnano++\Syntax\
default (optional)

change default path to database




" .. /Syntax/"


If the location of the database file is specified as a command line argument, this has higher priority than the location specified in the input file (attribute default).
Example: nextnano++.exe --database D:\nextnano\2018_10_31\nextnano++\Syntax\

If you run nextnano++ via nextnanomat, the location of the default database is specified in nextnanomat \(\Rightarrow\) Tools \(\Rightarrow\) Options \(\Rightarrow\) Material database \(\Rightarrow\) nextnano++ database file as a command line argument. If you want to use the database location as specified in the input file (attribute default), the database location of nextnanomat must be empty.

mandatory (optional)

path to database






If a mandatory database is defined, the command line argument for the database (--database ...) is ignored. This feature can e.g. be used to override the default setting in nextnanomat and to specify different databases in various input files or templates, e.g. in conjunction with the feature concatenated string variables (Input Syntax), one can dynamically switch between different databases in templates.