Scattering mechanisms

Interface roughness scattering

Graded interfaces

(4.2.4)\[c(z) = c_0 + d_0 \mathrm{erf} \left[ 2\sqrt{\mathrm{ln}(2)} \frac{z - z_0}{L} \right]\]

where —.

Threading dislocations

Acoustic phonon scattering

Optical phonon scattering

Impurity scattering

Three models are available for the effective temperature of the electrons involved in electrostatic screening. The screening involved in charged impurity scattering is modeled by a homogeneous electron gas, with a temperature model specified by ScreeningTemperatureType.

Model #1

(4.2.5)\[T_\mathrm{eff} = T + T_\mathrm{offset} e^{-T / T_\mathrm{offset}}\]

where \(T_\mathrm{offset}\) is specified by TemperatureOffsetParameter. The screening temperature does not necessarily match the calculated average electron temperature. We found that 140 K is a reasonable, empirical value that is suited for both MIR and THz QCLs.

Model #2

The screening temperature is set to the average electron temperature, which is calculated in each NEGF iteration. This method requires several iterations of the all calculation until the effective average temperature converges below the accuracy specified by AccuracySelfConsistentElectronTemperature.

Model #3

\(T_\mathrm{eff}\) is directly specified by ElectronTemperatureForScreening. The screening temperature does not necessarily match the calculated average electron temperature.

The effective electron temperature is written to the file Effective_Temperature.dat.

The importance of the impurity scattering can be tested by changing ImpurityScatteringStrength from the default value 1.0.

Alloy scattering

Electron-electron scattering

Last update: 29/10/2024